PPC Pitfalls That Is Affecting Your Adwords Campaign

Digital marketing companies in UAE have been doing PPC for such a long time they practically mastered the ins and outs of Google Adwords. But sometimes, campaigns can be complicated that they are doing something amiss with their PPC runs.

Mistakes are part of the territory when you are running a PPC campaign. But experts in Google Adwords in Dubai shared some common pitfalls that you can avoid to ensure that you can maximize your conversion and gather the data that you need to improve your campaigns:

  1. General remarketing

Remarketing is a great tool to ensure that you can still follow up those site visitors who did not do any action or accomplish a goal when they visited your site. If you will be retargeting people who visited your site without properly segmenting them, there might be a chance that you are also retargeting users who might have visited your site by mistake. This practice can drain your budget. Try to segment your returning visitors based on timeline and interest.

  1. Aiming for hard conversions

One of the most common mistakes of digital marketers is being too obsessed with closing deals and purchases. But they also need to look at soft conversions such as subscriptions and downloads. They might get more out of these soft conversions. So when you are setting up your campaign, try to set aside some budget for these kinds of conversions as they can gain more from these deals like loyal followers and returning visits.

  1. Ignoring late conversions

There are instances when a conversion that does not complete within a timeline that you set. There are customers who complete the sales funnel later than the usual timetable due to a number of reasons. Do not close your doors to these late conversions. Instead, opt for a bigger conversion window and switch your measurement from last click to first click.

  1. Focusing on the a single-method of conversion

Some digital marketers feel awful when their CTR does not meet the numbers they are expecting. But you also need to see the other aspects of your campaign like the impressions and the shares. These data can be used to optimize your upcoming campaigns. Think of it as your test campaign.

  1. Not excluding existing clients

When a certain client already subscribe to your services or made a purchase, you need to remove them from your retargeting list. Once a client see the sane ads on their devices, it would make them feel like a hard sell. Think about a dynamic exclusion strategy that is not cookie-based.