Fire-fighting equipment maintenance and its importance

There is no denying the fact that firefighting equipment are the vital requirement of any home or business to protect them from danger and loss of their assets and in severe situation lives. To ensure the maximum safety in this regard, it is crucial to conduct regular inspections and replacements and servicing of all the fire-fighting equipment at any given site or building. As the best practice, these inspections should be scheduled on daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly basis, which should be based on the different approaches to ensure best performance and maintenance of all the fire-fighting equipment. According to fire safety experts FM 200 fire suppression system is the best preemptive measure to control fire damages.

For the effective inspections to take place, it is necessary to acquire highly trained and experienced people. In most of the cases, your fire-fighting equipment installer or maintenance company will willingly provide you these services on demand. They will go and inspect each and every bit of your fire-fighting equipment to make sure that everything is in perfect working condition and can effectively handle fire hazards.

Maintenance plans

A professional fire safety equipment maintenance company will provide you with an excellent maintenance plan to guarantee best performance of all your fire safety equipment all the time. The best part about these services is that they are available 24/7 to respond to all your concerns and fix them right away. Moreover they also take care of the installation services, dismantling and regular replacements and fillings as well for a very minimal cost. You will also get a yearly service for all your fire safety equipment for keep them in proper running condition. They thoroughly inspect the physical conditions, performance level and effectiveness of all the fire safety equipment during their inspection. Their highly professional staff will also test various equipment and ensure their high quality so that you can be guaranteed of the best results.


In order to ensure the working efficacy of your fire-fighting equipment, the service provider or fire fighting equipment suppliers will additionally conduct a test known as the basic service and the discharge test. In this test, your fire-fighting equipment will be discharged under controlled conditions. The serviceman will also examine its internal body for corrosion or lining damage. As long as the condition is good, it will be possible for it to be refilled, recharged and returned for service purposes. This service needs to be conducted at least once in five years for water, powder and foam-based fire extinguishers. On the other hand, it should be performed once in ten years for primary seal powder extinguishers.